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Rules Add Rule --Conditions--Actions ----HTTP Action Execution Sequence of Rules Enable or Disable Rules Modify Rule Delete Rule


"Rules" Tab in "System Configuration" allows you create the rules for the media profiles.

Rules Tab

Figure: Rules

You cannot create the rules to show the notifications here. Please check "Email Notification Configuration" in Supervisor Console for the same.

You can add, modify, delete, enable, and disable the rules.

Add a Rule

Perform the following steps to add a rule.

  1. Click "Add Rule" button in the right side. It shows the following page.

    Add a Rule

    Figure: Adding a Rule

  2. Rule Name: Provide a name for your rule.
  3. Rule Description: Provide a description for your rule.
  4. Conditions: Here, you can specify the conditions based upon which the actions will be taken. Perform the following steps.
    1. Click + icon in the middle of "Condition" box to add a new condition. It shows the following section.

      Add a Condition

      Figure: Add a Condition

    2. Click "Condition" drop-down menu to select any of the following conditions.
      1. Interaction Title: Select it to add a condition based upon the title of interaction. When you select it, the other two fields are changed. The operator drop-down menu has the following options for "Interaction Title" condition.

        Interaction Title Condition

        Figure: Interaction Title Condition

        • is
        • is not
        • contains
        • does not contain
        • ends with
        • starts with
        These operators are self-explanatory. After selecting an operator, provide a value in the adjoining text field.
      2. To: Select it to add a condition based upon "To" field of the interaction that contains the name of recipient. It contains following operators.
        • contains
        • does not contain

        To Condition

        Figure: "To" Condition

        Provide a value in the adjoining text field after selecting an operator.
      3. Message: Select it to add a condition based upon the message body. It contains the following operators.
        • contains
        • does not contain

        Message Condition

        Figure: Message Condition

        Provide a value in the adjoining text field after selecting an operator.
      4. From: Select it to add a condition based upon "From" field that contains the name of sender. It contains the following operators.
        • contains
        • does not contain

        From Condition

        Figure: From Condition

        Provide a value in the adjoining text field after selecting an operator.
      5. CC: Select it to add a condition based upon "CC" field that contains the name of recipients who are added in CC. It contains the following operators.
        • contains
        • does not contain

        CC Condition

        Figure: "CC" Condition

        Provide a value in the adjoining text field after selecting an operator.
      6. Media Profile ID: Select it to add a condition based upon the ID of the media profile. It contains the following operators.
        • contains
        • does not contain

        Media Profile ID Condition

        Figure: Media Profile ID Condition

        Select a media profile ID after selecting an operator.
    3. You can add multiple conditions using the steps discussed above.

      Multiple Conditions

      Figure: Multiple Conditions

      When multiple conditions are added, the following new options are displayed on the top of "Conditions" Tab.
      • Match any of the following: Select this option to apply any of the conditions on the messages.
      • Match all of the following: Select this option to apply both conditions collectively. Either both conditions will be applied or no one will be applied.

      You can click "X" icon on the top right corner of an condition to remove it.

  5. Actions: You can select actions in this section, which will be performed only upon those messages which meet the pre-selected conditions. Perform the following steps.
    1. Click + icon to add an action. it shows a section.
    2. You click the drop-down menu to select any of the following actions.
      1. Routing Action: Select it to perform a routing action. It lets you to assign the ticket matching the conditions to a user in any queue.

        Routing Action

        Figure: Routing Action

        Perform the following steps.
        1. Select the campaign in which you want to apply the action. Its queues get enumerated in "Queue" drop-down menu.
        2. Select the queue to which you want to transfer the message that have met the conditions.
        3. Now in "Assign to User" drop-down menu, select any of the following options.
          • None: Select it to not assign the ticket meeting pre-selected conditions to any agent.
          • Available Agents: Select it to assign the ticket meeting pre-selected conditions to any of the available agents.
          • Agent Available to take Tickets: Select it to assign the ticket meeting pre-selected conditions to any of those agents who have marked themselves avaialble to take tickets in Interactive Campaign.
          • Any Agent: Select it to assignt the ticket meeting pre-selected conditions to any agent whether it is available or not available.
      2. Set Priority: Select it to set the priority to those messages which have met the pre-selected conditions. Select "Set Priority" in the drop-down menu.

        Priority Action

        Figure: Priority Action

        Select any of the following options.
        • Low: Select it to set low priority of messages that meet pre-selected conditions.
        • Medium: Select it to set medium priority of messages that meet pre-selected conditions.
        • High: Select it to set high priority of messages that meet pre-selected conditions.
      3. HTTP Action: Select it to apply HTTP Action (also called Webhook) to trigger an external API to process those messages which meet the pre-selected conditions. Please refer to "HTTP Action" Page to know more about the same.
      You can follow the same steps to add different kinds of multiple actions. They will run in First In First Out order from top. In other words, the very first action from top will be executed first and the other actions will be executed sequentially.
  6. Following screenshot contains the sample details.

    Sample Details

    Figure: Adding New Rule

  7. Click "Save" to create the rule.

    You have to select the rule in the campaign to apply it.

    You can create multiple rules using these steps.

Following screenshot shows the multiple rules.

Added Rules

Figure: List of Rules

Rule Execution Sequence

The rules will be executed in First In First Out order from top. The very first rule on top will be executed first and other rules will be executed in the sequential order (one-by-one) from top.

You can use the arrow icons on the right corner of every rule to move it up to increase its priority and move it down to decrease its priority.

Enable or Disable the Rule

You can disable the rules. The disabled rules will be hidden, but you can make them visible. You can also enable the disabled rules.

Disable a Rule

Select a rule and click the toggle Toggle switch to disable rule. It shows the following message.

Asking to Disable the Rule

Figure: Asking to disable the rule

Click "Yes" to disable the selected rule. The disabled rule will not be applied and will be hidden in the list.

View Disabled Rules

Click to check "View Dsiabled Rules" checkbox to show the disabled rules.

Displaying Disabled Rule

Figure: Displaying the Disabled Rule

Enable a Disabled Rule

To enable a disabled rule, click the gray toggle Gray Toggle switch to enable it. The following message is displayed.

Asking to Enable the Rule

Figure: Asking to enable the rule

Click "Yes" to enable the selected rule. The enabled rule will be applied in the campaign, where it has been selected.

Edit a Rule

Perform the following steps to edit a rule.

  1. Select a rule and click "Edit" button. It shows the following page.

    Edit Rule

    Figure: Edit a Rule

  2. Make the required changes and click "Save". Rather, you can click "Cancel" to not edit the rule.

Delete a Rule

The Deleted Rule cannot be retrieved back. Also, it will not be applied in the campaign where it has been selected.

  1. Select a rule and click "Delete" button. It shows the following message.

    Asking to delete the Rule

    Figure: Warning before deleting a Rule

  2. Click "Yes" to delete the rule.