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Customer Card Tab in Process Settings

"Customer Card" Tab in Process Settings allows the Administrator to configure the layout of Customer Cards.

Customer Card Tab

Figure: Customer Card Tab

Customer Cards appear in search bar when a user search for any customer information.

Customer Cards in Search

Figure: Displaying Customer Cards in Search

Default Fields

By default, there are four fields in the customer card. As per the layout, any four fields must remain there. You can delete fields other than any four fields of your choice.

Default Values for Fields

The fields in "Customer Card" Tab can have any of the following values. If a field is created for a value that value will not be available when you add or edit another field.

Here, you can perform the following operations.

Add a Field

By default, only four fields are available. Perform the following steps to add a new field.

  1. You can click "Add Field" link on the top right corner to add a field. It shows a new blank field in the end of the list.

    Add a new card

    Figure: Add Customer Card

  2. Select any field from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click the icon to select any icon displayed in the following screenshot.

    Icon List

    Figure: Select an icon

    Select a suitable icon that compliments the field value. For example, you can select the "Facebook" icon for facebook field, the "Twitter" icon for twitter field, email icon for email, and phone icon for the phone number.

Make Primary Field

There can be only one primary field that will be displayed in the header of the customer card. You just have to select "Make Primary Field" checkbox for any field to make it primary.

Edit a Field

You can click edit any field directly by selecting a different value in the drop-down or by selecting a different icon.

You cannot change the icon of the primary field. Make another field primary to edit the icon of an existing primary field.

Delete a Field

Click recycle icon to delete any field.

You can click "Apply" to apply the modified fields in the customer card, which is displayed on the left side.

Sample Customer Card

Following is a screenshot of the modified fields and customer card.

Modified Card

Figure: Modified Customer Card