In this tab, you can create, edit, and delete the table definitions.
Figure: Table Settings in "System Configuration"
After creating the table definitions here, you can use "Mapping" tab to create the mapping and "Filter" tab to create the filters.
Administrator has to perform the following steps to create a new data table.
Figure: Create Table
Figure: Add a row
Non-Unmaskable (Licensable): It provides the option to mask the values stored in a field.
The feature to unmask the already masked values will not be provided. So, use this feature consciously.
All or only important fields can be masked. If the Administrator selects a field to be maksed, then whatever data will be stored in this field will be masked at User Interface of the entire Ameyo System, in Customer Manager API, and at the backend, in the databases of PostgreSQL. For example, the data will be masked in AmeyoRefresh and CustomerProspect tables. Except the last 4 characters, all characters in the data will be masked with "X" letter such as XXXXXX1234.
If you are modifying an existing Table Definition or creating a new one in an already existing Ameyo Setup, only the new data will be masked in the field selected for masking, however, the old data will not be masked.
Perform the following steps to enable the masked Data Processor
Execute the following query to verify whether the maskDataPreProcessor is available or not.
SELECT * FROM system_configuration_parameter WHERE name = 'customerManagerPreprocessorsNames';
Execute the following query to enable the maskDataPreProcessor if it is not available.
update system_configuration_parameter set value='duplicatePreprocessor,numberRegexMatcherPreprocessor,standardNumberFormaterPreprocessor,maskDataPreProcessor' where name='customerManagerPreprocessorsNames';
Run the following query.
update column_definition set masking_policy_type='FIRST_X_LAST_Y_UNMASKED' where name=''; Update column_definition set masking_policy_properties='{"last_y_characters":"4","masked_string":"","first_x_characters":"6"}' where name='<Column_Name_To_Mask>';
It is configurable that how many digits of the data has to be masked or unmasked from starting and how many digits has to be masked or unmasked from the end.
Suppose the card number of 10 digits has to be masked. If it is configured that first 5 digits will be unmasked and the last 5 digits will be unmasked, then the complete number will remain unmask.
If you select "Masked" for a field, then it cannot be "Primary Key" and "Unique Key". Also, default value of "Type" for a Masked field will be "VARCHAR" and it cannot be changed.
Figure: Sample Values to create a Table
There may be some cases arise when you have to disable the mask data fields. In this case, run the following query to disable the Mask Data Field.
update system_configuration_parameter set value='duplicatePreprocessor,numberRegexMatcherPreprocessor,standardNumberFormaterPreprocessor' where name='customerManagerPreprocessorsNames';
Figure: Sample Values to create a Table
You can click "Cancel" button to not create the table.
Figure: Created a Table
Perform the following steps to edit the table.
Figure: Modify a Table Definition
Add new column: You can add the new columns in the table definitions. Click "Add" button to add the new column. A blank row is added at the bottom of the table. Here you can define the properties of the table column.
You cannot modify or delete the columns. Also, you cannot modify the column properties such as name, type, Nullable, unique key, primary key, or default value.
Click "Cancel" to cancel the changes.
Perform the following steps to delete a table.
Figure: Asking to delete a table