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Dashboard of Interaction Campaign

Here, Supervisor can monitor all activities in the Interaction Campaign.

Dashboard of IC

Figure: Dashboard of Interaction Campaign

Division of Areas in Interface of Interaction Campaign Dashboard

This Dashboard can be divided into the following two areas.

  1. Static Dashboard Area: This part of Dashboard is displayed on top and remains static even if you change the duration.

  2. Duration-based Dashboard Area: This part of Dashboard is displayed at the bottom and changes the value of its metrics as per the selected duration tab.

Queue Selection

In the top drop-down menu, the supervisor can select the queues according to the campaigns, to see the activities only in the selected queue. The metrics of both Static Dashboard Part and Duration-based Dashboard part changes as per the selected queue.

Dashboard of IC

Figure: Queue Selection

Static Dashboard Area

This part of Interaction Campaign Dashboard is displayed on the top. The view of graphs included in this area will remain same even if duration is changed. It contains the following widgets.

Total Tickets

It shows the count of tickets with low priority, medium priority, and high priority with the sum of all three types of tickets.

Dashboard of IC

Figure: Total Ticket

Unassigned Tickets

It shows the count of all unassigned tickets.

Dashboard of IC

Figure: Unassigned Ticket

Ready Users

It is the number of agents who have set their status as "Auto-Chat ON" in a queue. he Supervisor can click "Ready Users" to reach at "Monitoring" page of the Interaction Campaign that will apply the filter to show the Ready Users automatically. It is a real-time data point, which is updated on the interface after every 10 minutes automatically.

Dashboard of IC

Figure: Ready Users

SLA "About to Breach" (Next 15 Minutes)

It shows the tickets with their status (First Assigned, First Response, or Resolved), of which SLA is about to breach within the next 15 minutes.

Dashboard of IC

Figure: SLA about to Breach

Tickets by Status

It shows the bar graphs as per the status available in the system.

Dashboard of IC

Figure: Tickets by Status

The X-Axis of this graph shows the status, whereas Y-axis shows the count of working tickets. The following text is displayed in the tooltip on the mouse hover over any bar.

<Status_Name>: <Count>

Tickets by Status

Figure: Tooltip for a stacked bar over the mouse hover

Blank Graph

If no ticket is available, then the blank graph is displayed with the following message.

It seems no ticket has been created yet.

Ticket by Status

Figure: Blank Graph for "Tickets by Status"

"Tickets by Status" Table

The Supervisor can click table icon to view "Tickets by Status" table.

Tickets by Status

Figure: Tickets by Status Table

The Supervisor can click a column header to sort the table in the ascending order of its values. Click the same column header again to sort the table in the descending order of the values.

If no ticket is available, then the blank table is displayed with the following message.

No Data Available

Ticket by Status

Figure: Blank Table for "Tickets by Status"

Filtration of Table or Graph as per Sources

The Supervisor can click "All Media" drop-down menu to view the bar graph or table of tickets by the source. Here, the sources, including Channel Addition Framework (CAF), voice, email, and others, are listed in the ascending order of the alphabet. As soon as a new source of tickets is added in the future, then it would be visible in this drop-down menu.


Figure: Sources of the Tickets

If no ticket is available for the selected source, then the blank graph or table is displayed with a message.

Working Tickets by Users

Working Tickets are those upon which the Ameyo Users are currently working, and they are not closed till yet. It allows the Supervisor of a business to view the working tickets as per their sources, including Channel Addition Framework (CAF). Each stacked bar represents a source.

Tickets by Source

Figure: Working Tickets by Source Graph

The internal bifurcation will be displayed in the Chat Source as per the available Chat Channels.

The X-Axis of this graph shows the source of the tickets, whereas Y-axis shows the count of working tickets. The following text is displayed in the tooltip on the mouse hover over any bar.

<Source_Name>: <Count>

If no ticket is available, then it shows the following message.

It seems no ticket has been created yet.

Working Tickets by Source

Figure: Blank Graph for "Working Tickets by Source"

If there is a problem in fetching the data, then the following message is displayed.

The data could not be fetched at this time. Please try again later.

Working Tickets by Users

Working Tickets are those upon which the Ameyo Users are currently working, and they are not closed till yet. It is a real-time data point, which is updated on the interface after every 10 minutes automatically.


Figure: Tickets by Users

The Supervisor can click table icon to view "Working Tickets by User" table.

Working Tickets by User Table

Figure: Table view

In the table or graph view, the Supervisor can click "Total Tickets" drop-down menu.

Ticket Types

Figure: Drop-down menu to show the Ticket Types

It contains the following values.

The Supervisor can click View All button to view all tickets of any type or priority.

All Working Tickets

Figure: All Tickets

Duration-based Dashboard Area

This part of Dashboard is located at the bottom. It contains the following different duration tabs. You can select anyone of them to show the graph widgets in this area as per the selected duration.

Ticket Volume

It shows the statistics for the tickets.

Tickets by State

Figure: Tickets Stats

The statistics of above graph shows the statistical representation for the newly created and closed tickets. The X-Axis shows the count of the tickets, and the Y-axis contains the date at which ticket was created or closed. You can hover the mouse at graph, and it will shows the total number of tickets created or closed on that particular date.

CSAT Score

It shows the number of feedbacks received from the customers divided by the number of feedbacks sent to the customers.

Tickets by State

Figure: CSAT Score

It contains the two following parameters.

Lite Tickets by Status

It shows the lite tickets as per their status. As Lite tickets have only one internal status; that is, "Closed", so only external status are displayed on this graph. The graph type has been changed from the pie chart to the bar graph.

Tickets by State

Figure: Lite Ticket by State

The Supervisor can change the duration of this graph by selecting the different durations between "Today", "Last 7 Days", and "Last 30 Days".

The X-Axis of this graph shows the source of the tickets, whereas Y-axis shows the count of tickets. The following text is displayed in the tooltip on the mouse hover over any bar.

<Status Name>: <Count>

Lite Tickets by State Table

It shows the table of the lite tickets which contains the total number of tickets with their states. Click "Table" icon of "Lite Tickets by State" matric.

Tickets by State

Figure: Lite Ticket by State Table

Lite Tickets by Source

It displays the bar graphs of lite tickets for different sources. Currently, there are two sources only: Chat and Voice. If another source is added in the future, then it's lite tickets will also be displayed here.

Tickets by State

Figure: Lite Ticket by Source

The X-Axis of this graph shows the source of the tickets, whereas Y-axis shows the count of tickets. The following text is displayed in the tooltip on the mouse hover over any bar.

<Source Channel Name>: <Count>

Filtration of Tickets to display SLA Metric Graphs

Click filter icon to filter the tickets being displayed in the three SLA graphs.


Figure: Filter Options

It contains the following filters.

After selecting the filters, click "Save" to apply them. To clear the filters, click "Clear".

The display of following SLA graphs will be changed as per the selected filter.

First Assigned SLA

It shows the tickets with the first assigned SLA. It shows the count of tickets with both breached SLA and achieved SLA.

Tickets by State

Figure: First Assign SLA

First Response SLA

It shows the tickets with the first response SLA. It shows the count of tickets with both breached SLA and achieved SLA.

Tickets by State

Figure: First Response SLA

Resolution SLA

It shows the tickets the Resolution SLA. Resolution SLA is the first resolve SLA. It shows the count of tickets with both breached SLA and achieved SLA.

Tickets by State

Figure: Resolution SLA

SLA Percentage

It shows the graph for "First Assigned SLA", "First Response SLA" and "Resolution SLA" of the tickets. Through this graph the supervisor can see the live status of the various SLA's achieved by users.

Tickets by State

Figure: SLA Percentage

On X-axis, the percentage which is obtained comes and on the Y-axis, the graph for all the three SLA's came. All the SLA has different colors, so that the graph for all those comes according to the color, which helps the supervisor to distinguish between the various SLA's.