"Call Details" tab shows call details or history of the last 200 calls on a rolling basis and along with that an advanced section where call logs can be fetched with filters like date range, call duration, users, leads, customer status, call types. Fetched logs can individually listen, recordings can be downloaded, and whole call data can be extracted to CSV.
The tab will remain blank until you select the Date Range filters and apply them.
Figure: Manage Inbound Campaign
The Supervisor can click icon to filter the call details.
Figure: Filter Call Details
It contains the following filters.
User List: Supervisor can select the users for whom the supervisor wants to fetch the call details.
Call Type: Supervisor can also filter out the data in terms of the type of call, that is, whether it was OB Manual dial, OB Auto Dial, Transfer to phone, etc.
Disposition Status: Supervisor can also filter out the call details on the basis of disposition status, that is, No Voice, Echo, Sale, and others.
Customer Status: Supervisor can filter the data on the basis of the status of the call, that is, whether it was connected, failed, call drop, etc.
The Supervisor can click the search icon for any filter to convert the top header into a search box. Type the keyword and press "Enter" key to search for the required value in the list.
Date Range: Supervisor can also filter out the data on the basis of date range, that is, the supervisor can select the date by entering the range in From and To respective text boxes. Once you selected the date from the opened calendar, the default time corresponding to that date is also picked.
Figure: Date Range Picker
Phone Number: Supervisor can also filter the data in terms of following phone number patterns.
Start With: Enter the initial digits of the phone numbers to filter out the records, for example, 1234, 3456, and others.
End With: Enter the last digits of the phone number to filter out the records, for example, 4343, 6344, etc.
Exact Match: Enter the phone number digits to filter out the records, for example, 1234, 3456, and others.
Any Occurrence: Enter a few digits to filter out the records, for example, 34,87, and others.
Talk Time Duration: Supervisor can filter out the data by selecting the specific call time duration. For example, if it wants to fetch the incoming and outgoing calls in which call time duration was between 40 to 60 minutes, then the supervisor can enter the range in the respective text boxes.
Scored Calls: Supervisor can filter for those calls whose scores have already been provided. The supervisor can select either the Unscored or the scored calls.
attribute based: Supervisor can select the attribute- based upon the defined filterable field in the table creation.
Select the campaign in which attribute- based filter, that is, the filterable fields are mapped.
Now, in attribute- based filter section, select the attribute type, which is the column name which is mapped as a filterable field in the campaign by the administrator.
Select the operator type through which you want to filter the calls. It contains the following three operators.
Contains: It filter the calls which contain the provided input in their values.
Equals: Selecting "Equals" as the operator will filter the calls which have the exact match to the applied content.
Not Equals: Selecting "Not Equals" as the operator will filter the calls which do not have the match to the applied content.
Starts with: It will filter those content, in which the entered attribute starts with.
Ends with: It will filter those content, in which the entered attribute ends with.
Now, enter the value for which you want to filter the calls in the values column.
Figure: Attribute-Based Filter content
You can provide multiple attributes to filter the content, by clicking "+" icon, or click "-" icon to delete the provided attribute- based filter.
The filter can be cleared at any time by clicking the "Clear" button. Click "Apply" to apply the filter, whereas you can click "Cancel" to not apply it.
The Supervisor can perform the following operations here.
Click "Download" button to download the filtered voicelog data in the CSV format. It downloads the complete content which is showing on the screen to the CSV format.
After clicking on the "Download" button, a pop-up comes up. Click "Save" button to download the voicelog. The name of the downloaded file is "CallDetails" by default. However, you can change the name of the file.
Figure: Downloading Pop-up
Before clicking on the save button, the supervisor can also change the name of the voicelogs.
The downloading option depends upon the browser's setting. If the setting of the browser is set not to ask before downloading the file, then the pop-up will not come up.
The Supervisor can use the search bar to search for any voice log. The supervisor can search the voicelog with the user's name or with the phone number. Enter anyone in the search bar and press enter, the result starts showing on the screen.
Figure: Search Voicelogs
Supervisor can listen to the voice logs by clicking on icon, the supervisor can listen to the connected call, and a pop-up will appear at the bottom of the page, using which the user can download, increase/decrease volume along with other features like forward/reverse, mute/unmute, pause/un-pause the call. Hover your mouse cursor on
icon to use the speaker-related options like call volume and mute/unmute the calls.
For not connected calls, "the listen button" remains disabled .
Figure: Play Voicelog
Clicking anywhere on the same page will not close the pop-up. Hence, the audio play will remain continuous. The Supervisor has to click icon to close the pop-up.
If you change the screen to any other menu or the campaign, then the voicelog play pop-up will be paused, and hence whenever the supervisor returns to the same page, the voicelog can be started to wherever it was paused, hence no need to restart it.
Supervisor can provide scoring to the agent's call. Click icon present in the scoring column of the voicelog and the pop-up comes up.
Figure: Provide Remarks to Voicelog
On the opened pop-up, the supervisor can perform the following tasks.
Agent's Name: The Supervisor can see the agent's name who attended the call.
Customer's Number: It shows the customer's number through which the call has been done.
Call Id: It shows the call-id of the call. Ameyo generates the call-id for every call.
Call Duration: It shows the total duration of the call.
Comment: Supervisor can provide the comment to the call in the comments box.
Listen: Supervisor can listen to the call connected call. Click the call listing button to listen to the call log.
Download Voicelog: Supervisor can also download the voicelog and listen to them. Click icon to download the voicelog file.
After clicking on the "Download" button, a pop-up comes up. Click "Save" button to download the voicelog. The name of the downloaded file contains the extension name followed by the agent name and the date and time of the call.
Figure: Downloading Pop-up
Before clicking on the save button the supervisor can also change the name of the voicelogs.
The downloading option depends upon the browser's setting. If the setting of the browser is set not to ask before downloading a file, then the pop-up will not come up.
Parameter Name: It shows the list of the QA Parameters which are created to provide the ratings to the agent.
Quality Type: It represents the quality type of the QA Parameters, (here we have the QA parameters in Range types).
Parameter Value: It shows the QA value which is provided by the administrator to rate the call for QA Parameters.
Comment: It is the comment box to provide the comment on the the parameters of the rating. It can be provided individually for each parameter name.
After completing the above steps, click "Save" to save the data or "Save and Next" to save the data and view the next call log from the same screen.
Click icon to see the customer's detail in the CRM, which was filled by the agent at the time of the call. It shows the following pop-up.
Figure: Customer details in CRM
On this screen, the supervisor can see the complete details of the customer. If the agent does not fill the details, then the supervisor can edit any customer's information from this screen as well. After editing, click "Save" button to save the provided information.
The notes which are given by the agent at the time of the call are known as call notes. The supervisor can view these notes along with the details of that call. Click icon to view the call notes of that call.
If the call note is not provided, then the expendable icon will also be not shown in the call details bar.
Figure: Call Notes
If the filters are not applied, then the call notes dumped very last by a user on a call will be displayed. The Supervisor has to apply the filters to view the call notes differently for individual users.
The Supervisor can click icon to use the settings of the Call Details.
Figure: Settings Call Details
Supervisor can manage the display bar menu present at the top of the page. Settings icon helps the supervisor to sort the menu listings bar.
Check the boxes to see only those filters which are useful for the supervisor and helps him to monitor the agents.
In the right part of the section, the user can click and hold icon and drag a column upward or downward to change the sequence of the columns in the table. The column on top will be displayed at the first position from the left.
If some columns are mandatory to be displayed, then the user will not have the option not to select or deselect the colums.
The supervisor can see the basic information of agents assigned in that campaign by hovering its mouse over the agents name.The user card is displayed while hovering the mouse on the user name of the user. Following screen is displayed while hovering the mouse over the username of the user.
Figure: User Card
The user card contains the user-role, username, and userID.
Following are the columns which are used to define the call details.
User Role: It shows the type of user who is logged-in to the Ameyo.
User Name: It shows the name of the user.
User ID: It shows the id of the user.
Listen: It is a clickable entity that allows you to listen to the voicelogs(explained above).
Scoring: It is a clickable entity that allows you to provide the rating to the agent's call(explained above).
Customer Details: It is a clickable entity which shows the complete information of the customer in the CRM.(explained above)
Customer ID: It shows the customer id. Customer id is unique for all customers and it generates only for those customers whose details are registered in CRM.
Date Added: It shows the date and time of the customer's details when details has been saved in the CRM.
Phone No: It shows the phone number of the agent through which the call has been handled.
Call Type: It shows the type of call.
Call ID: It contains the call-id. Call-id id different for every call and is generated by Ameyo automatically.
Customer Status: It shows the status of the customer. Here, "CONNECTED" means that the customer picks the call and "BUSY" means that the customer did not pick up the call.
Dialling Comments: It shows the comments which have been inserted by the agent while calling to the customer.
Transferred to: It shows whether the call has been transferred to another campaign/queue or not.
Hangup Details: It shows the reason for the call for which the call has been disconnected.
Hangup Cause: It shows the cause code for the Hangup Details for which the call has been disconnected.
Hangup Cause Code: It shows the cause code for the Hangup Details and Hangup Cause for which the call has been disconnected. This Hangup code is based upon the codes which have been registered in Ameyo according to Hangup Cause.
Hangup On Hold: It shows whether the call has been disconnected while the agent put the call on hold or not.
Disposition: It shows the type of disposition which the agent saved after disconnecting the call.
Customer Talk Time: It shows the total duration of the call in between the agent and customer.
Hold Time: If the agent put the call on hold, then it shows the total duration of the hold time for which the call has been put on hold.
Campaign ID: It shows the campaign ID from which the call has been dialed by the agent.
Queue Name: It shows the queue name from which the call has been dialed by the agent.
Lead ID: If the call is dialed from the lead, then this column shows the id of the lead from which the call has been dialed to the customer.
Attempt Time: It shows the date and time of the call when the call has been attempted to dial.
Call Result: It shows whether the call is successfully dialed and received by the customer or there was some error while dialing the call.
IVR Time: It shows the total duration of the call when the call was in the IVR.
Setup Time: It is the total time that is taken to connect both numbers, that is, the time taken to connect the customer and agent through a network channel.
Ringing Time : It shows the total duration of the ring before the call is picked by the user.
Agent Talk Time : It shows the total duration of the calls handled by the agent, which consists of the total duration spent by the agent on call for all the customers.