Canned messages are predefined reply templates which can be used to quickly send out replies to tickets. A category is associated with each canned message, according to which agent can select canned message. Click "Canned Messages" Tab in to view the canned messages and their categories.
Figure: Canned Messages Tab
Here, you can perform the following functions.
Perform the following steps to create a category of Canned Messages.
Figure: Add Category of Canned Messages
Figure: Added a Category of Canned Messages
You can create multiple categories. After creating category, the interface of this page will change.
Figure: Categories of Canned Messages
Perform the following steps to edit a category of Canned Messages.
Figure: Modify a Category of Canned Messages
Perform the following steps to delete a category.
Figure: Asking to Delete a Category of Canned Messages
Perform the following steps to create a canned message in a category.
Figure: Add a Canned Message
The administrator can attach media files such as images through "Attach a file" option present here. Click icon to insert inline images.
Figure: Placeholders
Figure: Sample Canned Message
Figure: Added Canned Messages
While creating or modifying the Canned Message, the Administrator can attach the files and insert inline images.
The administrator can attach media files such as images through "Attach a file" option present here. Click icon to insert inline images.
Supported File Types and Limitations for Attachments
Following file types are supported for attachments with Canned Message.
.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .xps, .pdf, .dxf, .ai, .psd, .psd, .eps, .ps, .svg, .ttf, .zip, .rar, .tar, .gzip, .mp3, .mpeg, .wav, .ogg, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .tif, .webm, .mpeg4, .3gpp, .mov, .avi, .mpegps, .wmv, .flv, .txt
One file can be attached at once. The maximum file size for all attachments in one Canned Message is 25 MB.
Perform the following steps to modify a Canned Message.
Figure: Modify a Canned Message
Perform the following steps to delete a canned message.
If you delete a Canned Message, then the users would not be able to use it while performing their tasks. Also, there is no way to restore the deleted canned message.
Figure: Warning while deleting a Canned Message
You have to assign the canned messages in the campaign so that the users in that campaign can use them. Know more...