In the left navigation bar of Process Tab, you can select an Interaction Campaign to view its settings.
The changes made in settings of one Interaction Campaign will be applicable to that campaign itself. They will not be applicable on other similar (interaction) and different (non-interaction) campaigns.
Figure: Settings of Interaction Campaign
At the right side of the campaign settings page, some of the commonly asked definitions of settings are defined. You can refer to those definitions.
The proxy server with the Email based services can be used. The administrator has to configure the proxy server, named as nginx-based Proxy Support . For further information contact Ameyo Support team.
It contains the following tabs.
This tab contains only "General Settings", which are divided into the following sections.
These are the same details, which you have provided while creating this campaign. You can only change the campaign name here.
It contains the following settings.
Select a different column mapping here.
Here, you can select the default Agent Table Definition for this campaign.
It allows the Administrator to specify whether the users have to provide the closure reason while closing the ticket or not. It contains the following values.
This settings lets you allow the agents to view the tickets of others or not.
These are the same settings, which you have provided while creating this campaign. You can modify all of its fields here.
Click here to know more about the Campaign Details and CRM Settings for this campaign.
You can provide an email address to which all emails will be sent through BCC field.
After modifying the settings, click "Apply" on top to apply these settings. Else, you can click "Refresh" to discard the changes.
This tab allows you to select the default Agent Table Definition for the campaign and assign the users to the selected Agent Table Definition. Know more...
Here, you can assign and unassign the users to this campaign. This tab has already been explained in the Chat Campaign Settings. Know more...
We recommend that Ameyo Users such as Professional Agent, Execute, and Supervisor should select only one Interaction Campaign during and after their logon. Selecting Multiple Interaction Campaigns can create some issues. The option to select Multiple Interaction Campagins have been removed already in the later versions of Ameyo AppServer.
Therefore, we recommend the Administrator to assign the unique users to an Interaction Campaign so that one user is assigned to only one Interaction Campaign.
Here, you can create and manage the queues. Know more...
Here, you can select the users who will be logged in to this campaign, by default, and will not receive the prompt to select the campaign. This tab has already been explained in the Chat Campaign Settings. Know more...
Here, you can define the holidays, office hours, and non-working hours for this campaign. This tab has already been explained in "System Configuration". Know more...
This Tab lets you assign and unassign the canned messages to this campaign. You have created the canned messages at the System Level and the same will be shown here. Refer to "Canned Messages" in System Configuration to know the steps to create the canned messages.
Figure: Canned Messages
Perform the following steps to assign canned messages to this campaign.
Figure: Assign or Unassign Canned Messages
To unassign a canned message, select it in "Assigned Canned Messages" section, click icon, and click "Apply" to unassign the selected canned message from the campaign.
This Tab lets you assign and unassign the custom fields to this campaign. You have created the Custom Fields in the Process Settings and the same will be shown here. Refer to "Custom Fields" in Process Settings to know more.
This tan lets you assign and unassign the ticket statuses created at the system level in the interaction campaign. Know more...
This Tab lets you assign and unassign the media profiles to this campaign. You have created the Media Profiles at the System Level and the same will be shown here. Refer to "Media Profiles" in System Configuration to know the steps to create the media profiles.
Figure: Media Profile
Perform the following steps to assign media profiles to this campaign.
Figure: Assign or Unassign Media Profiles
To unassign a media profile, select it in "Assigned Media Profiles" section, click icon, and click "Apply" to unassign the selected media profile from the campaign.