The following different messages will be shown for the different actions and events in Management Framework Architecture (MFA). These notification messages will be shown to all the users authorized to use management or any application server.
Management Server Issues:
Unable to connect Management Server:
The following error message is displayed when the Management Server is not reachable.Unable to connect to Management Server. Please ensure that it is up and running.
Management Server is down: The following error message is displayed when the Management Server is down.
Management Server is down. You may try logging out after some time.
Figure: Server down
User already exists during creation: The following error message is displayed to UAMMaker during user creation if the user with the same name already exists.
This username already exists. Please try again with a different name.
User related Messages: The following user-related error messages are introduced.
User account does not exist:
User <username> does not exist.
User account is deleted:
User <username> is deleted. Please initiate a request to recreate it.
User account is dormant:
User <username> is dormant. Please initiate a request to active it.
User account is disabled:
User <username> is disabled. Please initiate a request to enable it.
User is locked:
User <username> is locked. Please initiate a request to unlock it.
Invalid Credentials: The following error message is displayed when the user enters the wrong username or password.
Either the username or password is incorrect. Please check your credentials and try again.
CAPTCHA: The error messages will be displayed for CAPTCHA in the following cases.
CAPTCHA not entered: The following error message is displayed when the user skips CAPTCHA.
You must enter the Captcha to continue.
Incorrect CAPTCHA: The following error message is displayed for incorrect CAPTCHA.
The Captcha entered was incorrect. Please try again.
Figure: Server down