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Interactive Voice Application Campaign Settings

In the left navigation bar of Process Tab, you can select an Interactive Application Campaign to view its settings.

The changes made in settings of one Interactive Voice Application Campaign will be applicable to that campaign itself. They will not be applicable on other similar (interactive voice application) and different (non-interactive voice application) campaigns.

Interactive Voice Application Campaign Details

Figure: Settings of Interactive Voice Application Campaign

It contains the following tabs.

Settings Tab

This tab contains "General Settings", "Advanced" Settings, and "Dial Profile" Settings.

General Settings

Here, the General Settings are divided into the following sections.

Campaign Details

These are the same details, which you have provided while creating this campaign. You can only change the campaign name here.

Campaign Settings

Except for the following, it contains those settings, which you have configured while creating this campaign.

  • CRM Settings: These are the same settings, which you have provided while creating this campaign. You can modify all of its fields here.
  • Auto Answer Settings: Auto-Answer Feature is already available for WebRTC with or without Ameyo SIP Agent Proxy. This feature did not require the implementation of "Accept-Reject" node in the Nodeflow to show the prompt at Ameyo User Console before answering the call.

    However, "Accept-Reject Node" was providing the Auto-Answer Configuration at the campaign-level and this feature was missing in Auto-Answer Feature for WebRTC.

    "Auto-Answer" section contains the following options and only one option will work at a time.

    1. Inherit from Parent: Select this option to inherit the Auto-Answer Configuration in the campaign from the System-level. If the Auto-Answer is disabled at the System-level, then it will remain disabled at the Campaign-level. If the Auto-Answer is enabled at the System-level, then it will remain enabled at the Campaign-level.

    2. Auto Answer Enabled: It will enable "Auto-Answer" at the Campaign-level forcefully even if it is disabled at the system-level. Refer to the following screenshot.

      Auto answer

      Figure: Auto-Answer Enabled

  • TPV Phone: As per the process requirement, there may be a few numbers to which transfer of calls is very frequent. Third-party verification (TPV) number is used to transfer the call to the verifier. Here, such frequently used TPV numbers are added so that the user can directly transfer the case to these numbers.

    TPV Phone

    Figure: TPV Phone

    Click "Add" to show a row to add TPV Phone number. Enter the name and phone number. You can add multiple TPV Numbers. To delete a TPV phone number, click its checkbox to select it and click "Delete".
  • Voicemail Configuration: Perform the following steps to enable the voicemail feature on the queue level. If this is not enabled, then voicemails will not be recorded.

    Make sure to upload the Prompts through "Prompts" tab in the campaign to use them in Voicemail.

  • After modifying the settings, click "Apply" on top to apply these settings. Else, you can click "Refresh" to discard the changes.

    Click here to know more about the Campaign Details and CRM Settings for this campaign.

    After modifying the settings, click "Apply" on top to apply these settings. Else, you can click "Refresh" to discard the changes.

    Advanced Settings

    Here, the Voice-Admin can configure the Advanced Settings of an Interactive Voice Application Campaign.

    Advanced Settings

    Figure: Advanced Settings

    This tab can be divided into two sections - "Configuration" and "NodeFlow Configuration".


    It contains the following settings, which you have configured while creating the campaign.

    It also contains the following settings, which you can configure after creating the Interactive Voice Application Campaign.

    Nodeflow Configuration

    "NodeFlow Configuration" lets you upload the nodeflow for the different functions listed herein below.

    Dial Profile Settings

    Here, the Voice-Admin can create the dial profiles for the campaigns using the Routing Plans. So, it is necessary to create the Routing Plans first before configuring this tab.

    Before creating a routing plan, you have to assign and manage the users, assign the call contexts, and create the queues.

    Dial Profile

    Figure: Dial Profile Settings

    Perform the following steps to configure the Dial Profile Settings for Manual Dial and Confer Dial (Conference Dial).

    1. Manual Dial Profile Settings: It lets you configure the settings for Manual Dial Profile. Perform the following steps.
      1. "Manual Dial Profile Policy" lists the Outbound Routing Policies that you have created in "Routing Tab" → "Outbound Feature Context".
      2. Ringing Timeout (in secs.): It is the maximum ringing time, after which call gets disconnected if the recipient does not answer the call. Provide a value in seconds for the same. The default value is 30 seconds
      3. Setup Timeout (in secs.): It is the time required from the initiation of a call till the connection gets established, after which call gets disconnected if the call is not connected. Provide a value in seconds for the same. The default value is 15 seconds
    2. Confer Dial Profile Settings: It lets you configure the settings for Confer Dial (Dial during Conference) Profile. Perform the following steps.
      1. "Confer Dial Profile Policy" lists the Outbound Routing Policies that you have created in "Routing Tab" → "Outbound Feature Context".
      2. Ringing Timeout (in secs.): It is the maximum ringing time, after which call gets disconnected if the recipient does not answer the call. Provide a value in seconds for the same. The default value is 30 seconds
      3. Setup Timeout (in secs.): It is the time required from the initiation of a call till the connection gets established, after which call gets disconnected if the call is not connected. Provide a value in seconds for the same. The default value is 15 seconds
    3. Click "Apply" to apply the dial profile for any section.
      Rather, you can click "Refresh" to discard the changes.

    When you click apply, the values for Call Context for the selected Policy is populated in "Call Context" column.

    Configured Dial Profiles

    Figure: Configured Dial Profile Settings

    Agent Table Definition

    This tab allows you to select the default Agent Table Definition for the campaign and assign the users to the selected Agent Table Definition. Know more...


    Here, you can assign and unassign the users to this campaign. This tab has already been explained in the Chat Campaign Settings. Know more...

    Default Working

    Here, you can select the users who will be logged in to this campaign, by default, and will not receive the prompt to select the campaign. This tab has already been explained in the Chat Campaign Settings. Know more...

    Holiday/Office Hours

    Here, you can define the holidays, office hours, and non-working hours for this campaign. This tab has already been explained in "System Configuration". Know more...

    Other Settings

    Other Settings are explained in the following subsequent pages. Click the links to know more about them.